Showing 61 to 77 of 77 results

Austerity undermining rights says CoE Commissioner
Publication: A new Council of Europe Issue Paper, commissioned from CESR, assesses the human rights impacts of austerity measures and sets out an agenda for change.

Egypt rights activists take struggle to Geneva
CESR and its partners travelled to Geneva as Egypt was reviewed at the 51st session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Accountability Not Austerity Can Help Prevent Next Financial Crisis
Niko Lusiani argues that systematic failures in accountability also helped cause the global financial crisis.

King, Keynes and Obama's legacy at the IMF
As the US marks Martin Luther King Day, CESR Senior Researcher Niko Lusiani calls for the iconic leader's social justice vision to be remembered in contemporary social and economic policy.

UN expert body warns world of austerity threat to human rights
The UN General Assembly has been told that unchecked austerity measures are undermining human rights around the world

Immigrants’ rights in poor health: resisting cutbacks in Spain
Some 150,000 immigrants have lost their right to public health services under the latest cost-cutting measures implemented in Spain.

Spain Factsheet (2012)
2012 factsheet on economic, social and cultural rights in Spain since the economic crisis took hold in 2007.

Spain answers to UN for rights impacts of crisis response
Spain is appearing before the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for the first time in eight years.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Mauled by the Celtic Tiger: Human rights in Ireland's economic meltdown
A new CESR report finds that human rights in Ireland are being undermined by response measures implemented in the wake of the country's financial crisis.

Rights in crisis: confronting a threefold threat
It is not only the global economy that is in crisis. With markets toppling governments left and right, economic policy itself seems to be in a state of calamity.

Time to address the economic and social rights deficit
As the world marks International Human Rights Day on December 10, CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz reflects on the status of economic and social rights in this age of austerity.

Ireland's economic & social rights record under the spotlight at United Nations
On Thursday October 6 Ireland will face the scrutiny of her peers at the at the UPR.

Time for the G20 to be global leaders where it counts
As the G20 convenes this week in Seoul, will the world's most powerful leaders take their human rights obligations into consideration as they convene to discuss the global economy?

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Human Rights and the Economic Crisis
A new CESR briefing explores the human rights dimensions of the global economic crisis: its consequences, causes and responses.

Rights in Recession?
CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz on the challenges for economic and social rights enforcement during economic crisis.

Human Rights and the Economic Crisis: A Transformative Moment?
The current economic crisis is fast becoming a human rights crisis.CESR urges world leaders meeting in New York this week to seize the opportunity to place human rights principles, not profit, at the heart of crisis responses, economic policy and global economic governance.

CESR Statement on Peru before the Committee on ESCR
This statement on Peru was made to the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights at the UN in April, 1997.