Showing 1 to 30 of 77 results

Exploring how to change mindsets about the economy in South Africa
Along a group of over 30 researchers, civil society organizations, and social movement activists, CESR is exploring how words and language can transform what we take for granted.

Fighting back against pandemic austerity
Our team joined a research-based conversation, organized by DAWN, and explored the links between the Rights-Based Economy and a feminist recovery from COVID.

A11 and CESR Prompt UN Committee to Scrutinize Austerity Measures in Serbia
A joint report illustrates how the austerity measures introduced by Serbia since 2014 violate the State’s human rights obligations.

Interrogating the Legitimacy of Argentina’s Debt
Following Argentina’s announcement of reaching an agreement with the IMF, there is a groundswell of public debate about the legitimacy and the human impact of such payments. Human rights have a lot to say in the matter,

CESR participates in the Global South Women's Forum on Disrupting Macroeconomics
From 14-18 December 2020, CESR participated in the Global South Women's Forum on Disrupting Macroeconomics, organized by International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW-AP).

Debt Justice Group to IMF: "Defuse Ecuador's Debt Time Bomb!"
A statement on the Progressive International website that was co-drafted by CESR's Allison Corkery, Sergio Chaparro and Ignacio Saiz with partners calls on the IMF to take responsibility for the impact of its disastrous austerity policies on people’s rights.

Austerity is Killing Ecuador. The IMF Must Help End this Disaster
An opinion piece in the Guardian by CESR's Allison Corkery with Andrés Chiriboga-Tejada, Jayati Ghosh, Demba Moussa and Adrian Falco, calls on the IMF to examine the human rights impacts of its loan conditions in Ecuador.

Forging Tools for Fiscal Justice in the Andean Region
Since 2016, CESR has worked with civil society partners in Peru and Colombia to build greater consensus on how public resources can be more equitably generated and distributed, in line with human rights obligations.

Confronting COVID: How Civil Society is Responding Across Countries | Brazil
Grazielle David, of the Fiscal Justice Network of Latin America and the Caribbean, discusses Brazilian civil society's efforts to create fiscal space for rights funding in the face of longstanding austerity and the federal government's lack of coordinated responses to the pandemic.

CESR Joins Judicial Action Against Devastating Brazilian Spending Freeze
CESR is supporting a coalition of 192 Brazilian civil society organizations and social justice groups as they file a judicial action against Brazil’s expenditure cap, which has had grievous effects on the wellbeing of many of Brazil’s citizens, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Time for a Rights-Based Global Economic Stimulus to Tackle COVID-19
Safeguarding human rights in economic responses to the COVID-19 crisis demands governments finally lay to rest the prevailing dogma of austerity.

Spain: From Laggard to Leader on Social Rights?
Devastating findings of UN poverty expert’s recent visit to Spain put the new government’s commitments on social rights to the test.
ESCR-Net Covers CESR's Dismantling the Dogmas
ESCR-Net covered CESR's Dismantling the Dogmas of Austerity and Fiscal Injustice in Latin America.

Dismantling the Dogmas: Tools for Tackling Austerity in Latin America
New briefing confronts head-on dogmas that are deployed against progressive structural fiscal reforms in Latin America.

Global Protests Demand Human Rights Actors Tackle Economic Injustice
Ignacio Saiz' submission to OpenGlobalRightsArticulo en español

Human Rights and the Global Protests: Addressing Systems as well as Symptoms
Human rights advocates should be as concerned with the economic injustices giving rise to recent worldwide demonstrations as with the repressive responses to them.
Assessing Austerity's Impacts on Human Lives
CESR's Sergio Chaparro recently lectured about assessing the human impacts of economic austerity policies at The American University in Cairo.

Austerity and the IMF: An Appeal for Responsibility
CESR and partners issued an urgent appeal to the IMF to halt its support for austerity measures and to assess their human rights impacts. We also brought evidence of austerity's unequal impacts to the recent IMF/World Bank Annual meetings.

Lessons from Ecuador: Challenging Austerity and Human Rights Erosion at the IMF
CESR will be at the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings this week, challenging the IMF’s global role in driving austerity measures that result in the steady erosion of human rights in countries such as Ecuador.

Austerity and Human Rights in Ecuador: An Urgent Appeal to the IMF
Fiscal policy cannot be imposed while ignoring people’s rights, as the Indigenous peoples’ protest movement in Ecuador has shown.
The IMF and Inequalities: Tensions between Structural Adjustments and Structural Transformations
This discussion on Thursday, October 17th at the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings debates the balance between IMF-advised structural adjustments and the need for systemic changes in financial governance, to ensure governments can achieve SDG 10 and tackle inequalities on multiple levels.

Egypt Social Progress Indicators Reveal How Austerity Feeds Gross Inequalities
The Egypt Social Progress Indicators Project finds that IMF-mandated austerity policies are amplifying severe inequalities and undermining the rights to health, education, housing and decent work for millions of Egyptians.

Snapshots from a Lost Decade for human rights: Ten years since the financial crisis
Slideshow illustrates the impacts of CESR's collaborative work monitoring austerity policies and other effects of the 2008 financial crisis.

CESR allies with ICRICT to re-envision international corporate tax rules
ICRICT, an independent, nonpartisan group of global tax experts, seeks to reform the international corporate taxation system by fostering a broad-based, inclusive discussion of the rules governing how multinationals are taxed.
South Africa urged to end austerity measures amid "unacceptably high levels of inequality"
Civil society inputs documenting rights deprivations in health, education, tax policies were crucial to CESCR recommendation.

Labor rights and workplace equality in Egypt: new measure finds progress lacking
The Egypt Social Progress Indicators (ESPI) project recently released findings reflecting an overall need for broad policy changes to improve labor rights, working conditions and wage trends.

When human rights triumph over austerity: Spain restores universal health care
Spain’s new government ends the exclusion of undocumented migrants from health care, an austerity measure adopted by the former government.
UN Committee interrogates harmful austerity policies in South Africa after receiving compelling evidence from civil society groups
PRESS RELEASE: The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights grilled the South African government delegation on healthcare and education cuts, regressive tax changes and rampant corruption at country’s first review.
Civil society organizations urge South Africa to end austerity measures and combat inequality
As South Africa presents its first human rights compliance report to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, CSOs call for a human rights-based approach to fiscal and economic policy, steps to tackle corruption and increased funding for healthcare and education.

Argentina: the latest IMF austerity package belies Lagarde’s lip service to human rights
A World Leader Award from the Appeal of Conscience Foundation for IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde is at odds with the IMF's role in promoting austerity packages around the world.