Showing 31 to 55 of 55 results

United Nations urges Spain to end detrimental austerity measures
Press release: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights calls for a more redistributive fiscal system that addresses rising economic and social inequalities

CESR and Spanish partners brief UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Geneva on a decade of austerity in Spain
Press release: CESR and 35 Spanish organizations denounce government for failing to fulfill obligations guaranteeing economic, social and cultural rights.

IACHR calls on states to adopt human rights-based fiscal policies to eradicate poverty
29 January: IACHR report acknowledges links between poverty and human rights in the Americas, referencing CESR-led coalition's briefing on relevance of fiscal policies.

"Human Rights in Times of Austerity" covered in thirty Brazilian publications and websites
Media: New factsheet "Human Rights in Times of Austerity" received coverage from at least thirty Brazilian publications and websites in the past month.

USA: Extreme poverty and inequality in a land of plenty
The UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights undertook a revealing fact-finding mission to the USA.

We can't afford another "lost decade"
Ignacio Saiz explains how CESR’s work this year pinpoints austerity as the single most pervasive threat to economic and social rights worldwide. Please consider making a year-end contribution toward CESR's efforts.

U.S. Tax Plan’s Spiraling Consequences for Human Rights and Poverty – At Home and Abroad
Media: CESR's Niko Lusiani writes in FACTCoalition about CESR bringing the human rights costs of the proposed U.S. tax cuts to the attention of leading UN human rights official Philip Alston now investigating poverty in the country.
CESR presents on inequality and the SDGs at Beirut CSO workshop
30 November - 1 December: Kate Donald discussed austerity, regressive taxation and tax evasion at workshop with Arab NGO Network for Development and the Issam Fares Institute.

CESR raises concerns about US tax bill before UN human rights and poverty expert visiting the country
6 December: CESR Statement: As U.S. Congress considers drastically altering its tax code, CESR presented human rights costs of proposed cuts to the attention of visiting UN human rights and poverty official.

IMF can safeguard women’s equality in an age of austerity
At the IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings, CESR staffers discussed inequality, progressive fiscal policy and human rights while launching a briefing on austerity and women’s rights.

Low-level performance at High-Level Political Forum
Blog: CESR reflects on the shortcomings of the 2017 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

Tackling inequality: the radical potential of the Sustainable Development Goals
A contribution to the openGlobalRights debate on economic inequality and human rights by CESR's Kate Donald.

Human rights, inequality, and the "orphan SDG"
The SDGs offer an opportunity to mobilize action against inequality, but our approaches and policy solutions must be informed by human rights.

Putting the spotlight on inequality at SDG review summit
Blog: inequality takes center stage at UN, as High-Level Political Forum promises to 'leave no one behind' in SDGs.

Will accountability be left behind at SDG review forum?
As the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) convenes this week, Kate Donald and Lena Kahler examine whether Agenda 2030 will live up to its promise to “leave no one behind”.

SDG targets risk missing the mark on inequality
As the UN Statistical Commission debates final proposals for the SDG indicators, there is serious concern over the absence of a robust measure of inequality.

Secretary-General's Synthesis Report: moving the post-2015 debate forward?
Kate Donald, director of the Human Rights in Development program at CESR, reflects on the strengths and weaknesses of a recent milestone report on the post-2015 process

SDGs merely dead letters without fiscal justice and human rights
Unless governments agree to concrete tax and budgetary commitments which ensure robust, equitable and accountable fiscal foundations for sustainable development, the SDGs are likely to fail.

King, Keynes and Obama's legacy at the IMF
As the US marks Martin Luther King Day, CESR Senior Researcher Niko Lusiani calls for the iconic leader's social justice vision to be remembered in contemporary social and economic policy.

Children in an urban world: Rights denied, opportunities squandered
Abid Aslam, Editor of Unicef's flagship report 'The State of the World's Children', examines the particular human rights challenges facing children in urban areas.

Moments of Truth: Economic and Social Rights in Transitions to Democracy
CESR Program Director Gaby Oré Aguilar and University of Deusto professor Felipe Gómez Isa publish a new book exploring the equality and social justice dimensions of societies emerging from conflict.

Rights in crisis: confronting a threefold threat
It is not only the global economy that is in crisis. With markets toppling governments left and right, economic policy itself seems to be in a state of calamity.

Supporting Equatorial Guinea’s embattled rights defenders
Despite high rates of economic growth, most Equatoguineans continue to live in poverty.

Input needed for UN Secretary General report on economic crisis and its impact on the world's most vulnerable people
The G20 has requested a comprehensive report from the UN Secretary General on the impact the global financial crisis has had and is having on the poor and most vulnerable around the world.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Poverty and Human Rights: is poverty a violation of human rights?
Poverty is an assault on human dignity, but it can also reflect a violation of human rights when it is the direct consequence of government policy or is caused by the failure of governments to act.