Research methods
Showing 31 to 47 of 47 results

Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Measure of Progress: how human rights should inform SDG indicators
As the dust settles on the UN Sustainable Development Summit, a new CESR briefing explores how human rights should inform the selection of SDG indicators that are currently being debated.

Indicators of success: how best to measure Agenda 2030
Four months have now passed since Agenda 2030 was agreed, but the crucial matter of designating indicators to measure progress remains in the balance.

Transforming fact-finding to realize economic and social rights
New book includes a chapter by Allison Corkery, Director of CESR’s Rights Claiming and Accountability Program, on fact-finding methodologies and the multidimensional nature of chronic deprivations.

Malaysia: new report on right to education for disabled children has important lessons for government
The National Human Rights Commission of Malaysia and CESR are working to ensure children with disabilities are not denied their right to education.

Manuals & Guides, Publications
Defending Dignity: A Manual for National Human Rights Institutions
The Asia Pacific Forum (APF) and CESR are pleased to release a new manual designed to strengthen the role of NHRIs in monitoring economic and social rights.

Reporting back from the Responsible Data Forum
Participants from the Responsible Data Forum - a major meeting about the role of data and new technologies in human rights documentation - talk to CESR about the lessons they have learned.

Measuring what we treasure: human rights insights for post-2015 development
As governments set about choosing indicators for the post-2015 sustainable development goals, it is crucial that calls for pragmatism don't lead to a lack of ambition.

New tools for old problems: closing the accountability gap in Egypt
Allison Corkery on the next phased of our ongoing collaboration with Egyptian human rights defenders.

The 'data revolution': of the people, for the people?
The provision of comprehensive, quality data is essential to rights-based development, but the much-vaunted 'data revolution' must also be empowering and people-centered.

Putting rights at the centre of 'data revolution'
Speaking at a UNDP conference on 'Data and Accountability', CESR's Allison Corkery sets out the rights issues at stake in informational planning for the post-2015 era.

From Kenya to Kuala Lumpur: boosting the role of national human rights institutions
2012 has seen the Center working closely with national human rights institutions in Kenya, New Zealand and Malaysia to boost their capacity to advance economic and social rights in their countries.

Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Tools to Monitor the Obligation to Fulfil ESCR
Article: In this article in the Nordic Journal of Human Rights we briefly analyse the range of new methodologies which have been developed to monitor the positive obligation to fulfil ESCR, and discuss the OPERA Framework.

Strengthening protection of economic and social rights in Kenya
CESR has been supporting KNCHR pioneering work on economic and social rights.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
National Human Rights Institutions and Economic and Social Rights
This 2011 briefing examines national human rights institutions as monitors of economic, social and cultural rights.

Manuals & Guides, Publications
New primer aims to strengthen monitoring by the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights
New primer to enable more effective monitoring of economic, social and cultural rights in the East African country.

Measuring Economic and Social Rights to Hold Governments Accountable
In the OECD Journal on Development "Measuring Human Rights and Democratic Governance" CESR presents a framework for measuring economic and social rights.

How can we use quantitative methods to monitor ESC rights?
Edward Anderson, from the University of East Anglia examines how quantitative methods could be incorporated to assess governments' compliance with their human rights obligations.